Fisheries Program

Subsistence Fisheries Scientist: Cody Larson

The Subsistence Fisheries Monitoring Program works with Bristol Bay tribal councils, subsistence users, and resource managers to identify, design and implement research projects that protect fish in our waters.

The Partners for Subsistence Fisheries Monitoring Program functions begin with facilitating and implementing directed research projects to monitor subsistence fisheries. These projects focus on assessing community harvests, traditional management techniques, and also document traditional knowledge of how the local fish habitats function. These projects require collaboration between Tribal Councils, Universities, State and Federal Managers and other research entities. BBNA serves to coordinate these research efforts, ensuring they are conducted in the best interest of our member tribes. These partnerships also strengthen the regional fisheries management through the bridging of both traditional and contemporary knowledge systems.

Bristol Bay tribes and residents rely on subsistence resources to meet our nutritional and cultural needs. The Partners Program educates and assists local residents in navigating the State and Federal subsistence management processes. These include the ADF&G Board of Fisheries, Local Advisory Committees, the Federal Regional Advisory Council, and Federal Subsistence Board. The Partners Program ensures that subsistence fisheries proposals, policies, regulations, rule making,
consultation opportunities and related information is provided to Bristol Bay tribes through directed information sharing.

The Partners Program and Natural Resources Department also direct the fisheries and marine mammals summer internship programs, in pursuit of fostering the development of our future resource managers. These internships provide hands-on field experiences for College students enrolled in degree programs related to Natural Resources, or Environmental Studies. These efforts include partnerships with the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program, University of Alaska, University of Washington, State and Federal Agencies, which create a well-rounded learning experience for our college interns.

For nearly 20 years, BBNA has successfully collaborated with the USFWS on Federal subsistence management projects through the Fisheries Resources Monitoring Program. The BBNA Partners Program is critical to the success of these projects and will ensure the meaningful and continued involvement of local subsistence harvesters and Tribal councils in the management of subsistence fisheries in Bristol Bay.

Click here to learn more about the Bristol Bay Oral History Study

To learn more about the Fisheries Program, please contact BBNA at 907-842-5257.

Questions about the Fisheries program?

Contact Cody Larson

Subsistence Fisheries Scientist

(907)842-5257 // Toll-free 1-800-478-5757

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